Investment & Retirement Planning

“Understanding your retirement account options will help you reach your retirement goals”

Whether it’s a 401(k), 403(b), Section 457 deferred compensation plan or IRA, an experienced tax and accounting professional can help you understand and use your pension benefits to their fullest potential. 

Curious if your financial planner is doing the best job possible? We can help you evaluate performance and goals. Thinking about early retirement? Let’s us help you understand the tax implications if you withdrawal funds from your IRA or pension accounts.

Regardless of whether or not you work in the public or private sector, we can help you understand your retirement plan options.  It can get complicated fast when you start thinking about Regular IRAs, Roth IRAs, SIMPLE IRAs, deductible and non-deductible contributions, and the rules and regulations surrounding employer retirement accounts. Understanding your retirement account options can help you reach your retirement goals, as well as avoid the pitfalls and hidden traps.  For example, in the public sector you may have to decide on the employer funded pension option or the employee/employer option? We can help you understand the implication of various options and how they might impact you.

We can also help you understand the taxation of other assets such as stocks and bonds, and create a investment plan to build your net worth outside of your deferred accounts so you will have wealth available to you as you transition through different stages of life.

Here is what you can expect . . .

  • We will gain an understanding of your life goals, pension plan options, and capacity to build your net worth;
  • We will provide you with suggestions to accomplish your goals, and help you identify benchmarks for evaluating the performance of your plan and, if applicable, your wealth management team; and
  • We will assist you with understanding the Windfall Elimination Provision and the Government Pension Offset and how they might affect any potential Social Security benefits.

For more information, please call us at (775) 828-5027 or send us an email.